
Christmas Knitting...

On the 12th Day of Christmas, I knit for 'neath the tree...
12 winter beanies
11 small round scrubbies
10 cell phone cozies
9 pretty washcloths
8 warm toboggans
7 novelty scarves
6 pairs of mittens
5 Homespun shawls
4 baby socks
3 cat mats
2 felted purses
and an afghan that I'm keeping for me!

Well, I had to stretch a bit...I made the mittens LAST year...I only made one Homespun shawl, and only 5 cell phone cozies...and the afghan isn't quite finished, but it's the SPIRIT of the thing!

1 comment:

Maggie said...

lovely! You're so good, I am still on row 5 of Oliver's hat!