

Just an update- I've been knitting my little fingers off lately! I've been working on making some washcloths to sell at the Alliance Women's Retreat. Also, I have been working on an afghan in the log cabin style...I have a few pics of the start of it below. I am currently putting the border on that and then it will be done! I'll post a picture when it is. I'll put one up of the washcloths too- they are very cool.
And now....I am also promising a picture of the SOON TO BE FINISHED never-ending shawl that I started about a year ago. I worked on it off and on all year- it was a doozy! I finally finished it on New Year's Eve in St.Louis, but have been neglecting the weaving in of all the little ends- and there's a lot of them. I actually weaved in half of them in the car ride home from St.Louis, but haven't touched it since. Now that I have posted this here, I will be forced to finish it! So, I will weave in those ends this week and get a picture up, along with the story of the inspiration for said shawl. Woohoo!

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